Project for PLACES

Learner-Centered Communicative Activity Template



Title of lesson
Monserrat Angulo, México
Student Profile
18 and 19 years old, 3rd quart, pre-intermediate
Class Profile
Class 22, 1 hour
Time needed: 4 hours
Target Language
Grammar: (a)There is, there are   (b) how many, how much (review)  (c) can  (review)
Vocabulary: public places, adjectives for describing cities, food and drink ( review), verbs
Target Content
Virtual trip to some countries
Colorful sheets of paper, copies (reading, filling), cd, lap top, speakers, videos, projector.
Inside out pre-intermediate (Unit 2: places), world view 2 (reading about Mozambique), videos
Task 1 (15 mins): In teams of three students will watch four short videos about different countries. They will be asked to make a chart by using the information watched and listened. Each team will be given a different color sheet of paper with a chart template.
Adjectives for describing it
Places to go
Can  do
Cold weather
Eiffel Tower
Moulin Rouge
Louvre Museum
Drink a cup of coffee and eat a baguette
Take pictures to the Eiffel Tower

Task 2 (25 mins):After that, they will be given some examples of what to do with the information compiled.
e.g. France is a romantic country. There are many museums. Louvre museum is the most important one. You can drink a cup of coffee…
Students will do the same with the countries missing
Task 3 ( 20 mins): Learners will watch a video about Mexico, the point here is that this video is speechless. They have to add it to their chart and organize their ideas. Then they have to write a speech for this one.(They will have the opportunity to finish it at home if they do not finish in the time given)
2nd lesson
Task 1 (10 mins): A team member will  read the speech they wrote class before while the speechless video about Mexico is being played. Four of seven teams will go ahead and read.
Task 2 (15 mins): students will listen to four people talking about their countries. They will take their charts again and add some more information.
Task 3 (15 mins) now, they will be given a reading about Mozambique. They have to read and discuss about the way the information is organized.
a)     Main data chart
b)    Typical food and drink
c)     Places to go
d)    What to do
  • This is the moment to ask them to choose a country and organize the information the same way Mozambique one is shown. They will be given a rubric to know what is been evaluated from their expositions.
3rd lesson and 4th lesson
Students will make their presentations. (all of them will be filmed by any classmate, 5 of them will be posted in the facebook language group)


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